Subject Index

For an alphabetical list of Articles, please see the Catalog

A Lamp For The Path and Commentary

A Lamp for The Path Commentary


Adinnadana Veramani

Adinnadana Veramani

Adosa (non hate, goodwill)

Is the door of your heart open to yourself?

Advanced meditation instructions

Sanditthiko Dhamma

Ajahn Brahm

Is the door of your heart open to yourself?

Akaliko – timeless

Buddha Dhamma is Akaliko (Timeless)

Amida Buddha

The Stanzas of Nagajuna


Bodhisattva Roles and Functions

Sukhavati Prayer Ritual

Amitabha Buddha

The Stanzas of Nagajuna


Anatta Lakkhana Sutta


Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors

Andre Sollier

Andre Sollier Sumie Painting Workshop

Seven Factors of Enlightenment with Sumi-e Illustrations


Anatta Lakkhana Sutta

Buddha Dhamma is Akaliko (Timeless)

Asoka - Emperor

How Buddhists Should Welcome the 21st Century

Tolerance and Respect as a Buddhist

Atisha Dipankara

A Lamp for The Path Commentary

Buddhism in Bangladesh

Attributes of Dharmakaya

Possible Translations of Dharmakaya Attributes


Heart Sutra in Chinese and English

Prajnaparamita Sutra (Short Version)

Puja Prayer Ritual to the Most Powerful Universal Saviour

Ayya Khema

Path and Fruit


Buddhism in Bangladesh

Beneficial Results of No Sexual Misconduct

Kamesu Micchacara Veramani

Beneficial Results of Not Killing

Panatipata Veramani

Beneficial Results of Not Lying

Musavada Veramani

Beneficial Results of Not Stealing

Adinnadana Veramani

Beneficial Results of Not Taking Intoxicants

Surameraya Majjapamadatthana Veramani

Benefits of Chanting

The Benefits of Chanting

Bhaisajya Guru

Bhaisajya Guru (Medicine Buddha) Puja


Beyond Mindfulness – The Practice of Bhavana

Buddhism and Self Discipline

Talk on Bhavana by Ven Piyadassi Mahathera


Teaching of Prajnaparamita


Futility of Praise and Blame


Mangala Sutta


Lamrim – The Graded Path to Enlightenment



Lamrim – The Graded Path to Enlightenment


A Lamp for The Path Commentary


Bodhisattva Roles and Functions

Dragon King Sutra Stanzas


Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Seven Factors of Enlightenment with Sumi-e Illustrations


Brief History of Buddhism in Indonesia


The Buddha

What is Buddhism

Buddha’s Enlightenment

Dvedhavitakka Sutta: Two Sorts of Thinking

Buddha’s Youth

What is Buddhism


Teaching of Prajnaparamita


Buddhism and Politics

Buddhism and Self Discipline

Buddhism in the Western World

History of Japanese Buddhism

Universal Buddhism

What is Buddhism

Why Buddhism?

Buddhism - Tibetan

Tibetan Buddhism

Buddhism – History

Buddhism in the Western World

Cross-Sectarian Efforts towards the Progress of Buddhism in the New Millennium

Buddhism – In The New Millennium

Cross-Sectarian Efforts towards the Progress of Buddhism in the New Millennium

Buddhism – Non-Sectarianism

Cross-Sectarian Efforts towards the Progress of Buddhism in the New Millennium

Buddhism Sweden

Buddhism in the Western World

Buddhist - Holy Day

Pavarana Purnima

Buddhist Chanting

Chanting Sheet (Pali & English)

Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist Meditation

Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (Podcast)

Buddhist Practice

Foundations of Buddha Dhamma Practice

How to Start Your Buddhist Practice

Buddhist Practice – How to start

How to Start Your Buddhist Practice

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Buddhist Renunciation

Practice of Renunciation

Buddhist Scholarship

Professor Dr. Benimadhab Barua

Buddhist Teachings

What is Buddhism

Buddhist Temple building

Building for Buddha

Buddhist Traditions

Universal Buddhism

Building as a Buddhist Practice

Building for Buddha

Burmese Buddhism

Buddhist Meditation

Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts

Caga – emotional Maturity

Giving Up and Growing Up

Cakkavatti Sihananda Sutta

Buddhism and Politics

Chan Buddhism

Bassho’s Haiku (On Mind Training)

Buddha Dhamma is Akaliko (Timeless)

The Expedient Study of Ch’an

The Way of the Brush and the Way of the Garden

Chan Painting

A Thankless Job – Chan Painting

Andre Sollier Sumie Painting Workshop

Doing Things in Chan Mind

Laughter of the Brush

The Way of the Brush and the Way of the Garden

Understanding The Four Seasons


Chanting Sheet (Pali & English)

The Benefits of Chanting

Characteristics of existence

Anatta Lakkhana Sutta

Chinese Buddhism

Bodhisattva Roles and Functions


Sati Protects the Citta


Compassion in Action

Compassion Heart Mantra

Puja Prayer Ritual to the Most Powerful Universal Saviour

Concentration (Samadhi)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Conditions for learning Buddhism

Ten Ways of Making Merit


Laypersons Guide to The Vinaya Rules


Remove Sceptical Doubt

Daily Buddhist Practice

How to Start Your Buddhist Practice

Daily Chanting

Chanting Sheet (Pali & English)


The Three Worlds


A Thankless Job – Chan Painting

Deva and Brahma Realms

Twenty-one Heavenly Planes


Dhammacetiya Sutta – Monuments to the Teaching

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta


Possible Translations of Dharmakaya Attributes

Dharmavijaya- Conquest by Righteousness

How Buddhists Should Welcome the 21st Century


Buddhism and Self Discipline

Dogen - Master

Teachings on the Shobogenzo

Dosa (hatred)

Is the door of your heart open to yourself?


Remove Sceptical Doubt

Doubt (vicikiccha)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Dragon King Stanzas

Dragon King Sutra Stanzas

Dukkha – Anatta Lakkhana Sutta

Anatta Lakkhana Sutta

Eight Verses on Training The Mind

Lamrim – The Graded Path to Enlightenment

Emotional maturity – caga

Giving Up and Growing Up

Energy (Viriya)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Enlightenment Factors

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Equanimity (Upekkha)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Factors of Enlightenment

Seven Factors of Enlightenment with Sumi-e Illustrations

Five Hindrances

Beyond Mindfulness – The Practice of Bhavana

Five Precepts

Beneficial Results of Keeping Five Precepts

Buddhism and Self Discipline

Introduction to Teaching Buddhism


Ten Blessings Arising From Flower Offerings

Food – Reflections on

Five Reflections on Food

Verses for Silent Meals

Form realms

Six Planes of Existence

The Three Worlds

Formless realms

Six Planes of Existence

The Three Worlds

Forty Objects of Meditation

Buddhist Meditation

Foundations of Buddhist Practice

Foundations of Buddha Dhamma Practice

Four Noble Truths

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Four Nutrients Of Life

Four Nutrients of Life


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict

Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Garden - The Way of

The Way of the Brush and the Way of the Garden


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict

Generosity – Offerings on Altars

Offerings on Altars

Geshe Lhundrup Sopa

A Lamp for The Path Commentary

Gifts of Dhamma

Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts

Goal Setting

Three Levels of Goals

Good Government – Ten rules for

Buddhism and Politics

Government – for the good

Buddha’s Teachings on Peace

Graduated Path to Enlightenment (Lam Rim)

Lam rim chen mo – A Practical Application of Lama Tsong Kapa Teachings

Gratitude to parents

Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors


Bassho’s Haiku (On Mind Training)

Harmlessness – ahimsa

Buddha’s Teachings on Peace


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict


Is the door of your heart open to yourself?


Tibetan Healing Talk

Health - Practice to help overcome illness

Bhaisajya Guru (Medicine Buddha) Puja

Heart Sutra

Heart Sutra in Chinese and English

Heaven - types of

Six Planes of Existence

The Three Worlds

Heavenly Planes

Twenty-one Heavenly Planes

Highest – Mangala Sutta

Mangala Sutta


Letting Go of Worry and Regret

Remove Sceptical Doubt

Seven Factors of Enlightenment


Brief History of Buddhism in Indonesia

Brief History of the Shakuhachi

Cross-Sectarian Efforts towards the Progress of Buddhism in the New Millennium

History of Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Buddhism


Refuge in the Triple Gem

Hungry Ghosts – Thank you to Fathers and Ancestors

Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors

Ill will (vyapada)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment


Brief History of Buddhism in Indonesia



Investigation of the Dhamma (dhammavicaya)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Japanese Buddhism

History of Japanese Buddhism

K Sri Dhammananda – Why Buddhism?

Why Buddhism?


Kesamutti Sutta

kalyanamitta - highest friendship

Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Kamesu Micchacara Veramani

Kamesu Micchacara Veramani


Developing Patience in Everyday Life


Sanditthiko Dhamma


The Love You Are Looking For

King Milinda

Questions of King Milinda

King Pasenadi

Dhammacetiya Sutta – Monuments to the Teaching


The Expedient Study of Ch’an

Korean Buddhism

Brief History of the Nirvana Order of Korean Buddhism


Bodhisattva Roles and Functions

Kuan Yin

Bodhisattva Roles and Functions

Lama Tsong Kapa

Lam rim chen mo – A Practical Application of Lama Tsong Kapa Teachings


Lamrim – The Graded Path to Enlightenment

Tibetan Buddhism


Lankavatara Sutra

Laypersons – Appropriate behaviour for laypersons

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Ledi Sayadaw

Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts

Lotus Sutra

History of Japanese Buddhism


The Love You Are Looking For

Loving Kindness

Compassion in Action

Introduction to Teaching Buddhism

Is the door of your heart open to yourself?


Path and Fruit


Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Manjusri


Vajra Guru Mantra


A Day in Casualty

A Lamp for The Path Commentary

Taxonomy of Buddhist Medicine

Tibetan Healing Talk

Medicine Buddha

Bhaisajya Guru (Medicine Buddha) Puja


A Day in Casualty

A Lamp for The Path Commentary

Buddhist Meditation

Development of Loving Kindness (Metta)(Podcast)

Flavour of Dhamma

Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (Podcast)

Meditation by Ven. Piyadassi

Mistakes in Meditation

Samatha and Vipassana Meditation

Sanditthiko Dhamma

Meditation by Ven Piyadassi

Meditation by Ven. Piyadassi

Mental Development – Bhavana

Talk on Bhavana by Ven Piyadassi Mahathera

Mental Discipline – Bhavana

Buddhism and Self Discipline

Mental Discipline – Sila

Buddhism and Self Discipline

Merit – Types of meritorious actions

Merit Making Opportunities of Use for Achievers

Ten Ways of Making Merit


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict

Introduction to Teaching Buddhism

Is the door of your heart open to yourself?

The Love You Are Looking For

Metta Sutta

Introduction to Teaching Buddhism

Mind Cultivation – Bhavana

Beyond Mindfulness – The Practice of Bhavana

Talk on Bhavana by Ven Piyadassi Mahathera

Mindfulness – bhavana

Beyond Mindfulness – The Practice of Bhavana

Sati Protects the Citta

Mindfulness – on food

Verses for Silent Meals

Mindfulness (Sati)


Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Mindfulness of Breathing

Buddhist Meditation

Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation Guided by Bhante Kassapa

Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (Podcast)

Mistakes in Meditation

Mistakes in Meditation

Monks – Appropriate behaviour for laypersons

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Monks – Protocols and Etiquettes

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Musavada Veramani

Musavada Veramani


The Stanzas of Nagajuna

Nagasena – Questions of King Milinda

Questions of King Milinda

Six Planes of Existence


Path and Fruit

The Buddha

Nirvana Order (Korean)

Brief History of the Nirvana Order of Korean Buddhism

Noble Eightfold Path – Dvedhavitakka Sutta

Dvedhavitakka Sutta: Two Sorts of Thinking

Non-Sectarian Buddhism

Cross-Sectarian Efforts towards the Progress of Buddhism in the New Millennium

Nuns – Appropriate behaviour for laypersons

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Nuns – Protocols and etiquettes

Buddhist Protocols and Etiquettes

Nutrients of Life

Four Nutrients of Life


Laypersons Guide to The Vinaya Rules

Ten Blessings Arising From Flower Offerings

Offerings on Altars

Offerings on Altars

Padmasambhava Mantra

Vajra Guru Mantra

Pali Chanting

Chanting Sheet (Pali & English)

Panatipada Veramani

Panatipata Veramani


Buddhism and Self Discipline


Sanditthiko Dhamma


Developing Patience in Everyday Life


Pavarana Purnima


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict

Tolerance and Respect as a Buddhist

Peace – Buddha’s teaching on

Buddha’s Teachings on Peace

Perfection of Wisdom

Teaching of Prajnaparamita


Developing Patience in Everyday Life

Phra Acharn Thate Desaransi

Flavour of Dhamma

Piyadassi Mahathera – Dhamma Talk

Meditation by Ven. Piyadassi

Talk on Bhavana by Ven Piyadassi Mahathera

Piyadassi Thera

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Planes of birth

Six Planes of Existence

The Three Worlds


Bringing Wisdom to Life – Part 1 (Podcast)

Development of Loving Kindness (Metta)(Podcast)

Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (Podcast)


Buddhism and Politics

Poverty - culture of

The Way of the Brush and the Way of the Garden

Practice of Renunciation

Practice of Renunciation


Futility of Praise and Blame


Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Manjusri

Prajnaparamita Sutra (Short Version)


Heart Sutra in Chinese and English

Lankavatara Sutra

Teaching of Prajnaparamita


Abstain From Killing

Beneficial Results of Keeping Five Precepts

Eight Uposatha Precepts

Laypersons Guide to The Vinaya Rules

Preta – Thank you to Fathers and Ancestors

Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors

Principles for a Fruitful and Harmonious Life

Three Levels of Goals

Pro-active Mind

Pro-active Mind

Professor Dr Benimadhab Barua

Professor Dr. Benimadhab Barua


Refuge in the Triple Gem


Puja Prayer Ritual to the Most Powerful Universal Saviour

Sukhavati Prayer Ritual

Puja Practice

Bhaisajya Guru (Medicine Buddha) Puja

Pure Land

Sukhavati Prayer Ritual

The Stanzas of Nagajuna

Qualities of The Buddha

Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts

Questions of – King Milinda

Questions of King Milinda

Rains Retreat

Pavarana Purnima

Rapture (piti)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Reactive behaviour – Pro-active Mind

Pro-active Mind


Six Planes of Existence

The Three Worlds

Reflections on food

Five Reflections on Food

Verses for Silent Meals


Refuge in the Triple Gem


Letting Go of Worry and Regret


Dvedhavitakka Sutta: Two Sorts of Thinking

Giving Up and Growing Up

Practice of Renunciation


Tolerance and Respect as a Buddhist

Restlessness (uddhacca)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Retreat Teachings

Vassana Retreat of Bhante Kassapa

Right view – on food

Five Reflections on Food


Remove Sceptical Doubt

Sakya Lineage

Compassion in Action

Samatha Meditation

Samatha and Vipassana Meditation


The Three Worlds

Sanditthiko Dhamma

Sanditthiko Dhamma


Buddhist Practices for Peace and Solidarity in Times of Conflict


Sati Protects the Citta


Buddhist Meditation

Flavour of Dhamma



Professor Dr. Benimadhab Barua


Buddhism and Self Discipline

Sensual desires (kamacchanda)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment


Brief History of the Shakuhachi


A Lamp for The Path Commentary


Shingon Buddhism

History of Japanese Buddhism


Teachings on the Shobogenzo

Sigolavada Sutta

Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Sloth (thina)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment


Path and Fruit

Stages of Buddhist Practice

Foundations of Buddha Dhamma Practice


Bodhisattva Roles and Functions

Sukhavati Prayer Ritual


Seven Factors of Enlightenment with Sumi-e Illustrations

Sumie Painting

Andre Sollier Sumie Painting Workshop

Surameraya Majjapamadatthana Veramani

Surameraya Majjapamadatthana Veramani


Dragon King Sutra Stanzas

Lankavatara Sutra

Sutra - Heart

Heart Sutra in Chinese and English

Sutra - Perfection of Wisdom

Prajnaparamita Sutra (Short Version)


Anatta Lakkhana Sutta

Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

Dhammacetiya Sutta – Monuments to the Teaching

Dvedhavitakka Sutta: Two Sorts of Thinking

Five Reflections on Food

Four Nutrients of Life

Kesamutti Sutta

Mangala Sutta

Sutta – Tirokudda

Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors

Swedish Buddhism

Buddhism in the Western World

Talk for Training Monks

Sanditthiko Dhamma


Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Vajrasattva

Tibetan Buddhism

Teaching Buddhism

Introduction to Teaching Buddhism

Ten conditions for learning Buddha Dhamma

Practice of Renunciation

Ten ways of making merit

Ten Ways of Making Merit

The Buddha

The Buddha

The Stanzas by Nagarjuna

The Stanzas of Nagajuna

Thich Nhat Hanh

Verses for Silent Meals

Tibetan Buddhism

Compassion in Action

Taxonomy of Buddhist Medicine

Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan Medicine

Tibetan Healing Talk

Tirokudda Sutta

Thank You to Fathers and Ancestors

Torpor (middha)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Tranquility (passaddhi)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Triple Gem

Refuge in the Triple Gem


Kesamutti Sutta


Letting Go of Worry and Regret

Understanding the Four Seasons

Understanding The Four Seasons

Uposatha Precepts

Eight Uposatha Precepts

Vajra Guru Mantra

Vajra Guru Mantra


Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Vajrasattva

Vajrayana Buddhism

Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Vajrasattva

Tibetan Buddhism

Vajra Guru Mantra


Vassana Retreat of Bhante Kassapa

Verses for Silent Meals

Verses for Silent Meals


Remove Sceptical Doubt


Laypersons Guide to The Vinaya Rules



Vipassana Meditation

Samatha and Vipassana Meditation


Teaching of Prajnaparamita


Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Vyagghapajja Sutta

Connecting with Warm-Hearted Friends

Wealth – Buddhist view of

Giving Up and Growing Up

What's On

Buddhist Hour Weekly FM Radio

Buddhist Teaching and Meditation

Workshops : Introduction to Buddhism Workshops


Bringing Wisdom to Life – Part 1 (Podcast)

Buddhist Iconography and Practices – Manjusri

Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation (Podcast)

Wisdom - Perfection of

Heart Sutra in Chinese and English

Prajnaparamita Sutra (Short Version)

Teaching of Prajnaparamita

World Fellowship of Buddhists

World Fellowship of Buddhists – A Bird’s Eye View

World Peace

How Buddhists Should Welcome the 21st Century


Letting Go of Worry and Regret

Worry (kukkucca)

Seven Factors of Enlightenment

Yogi Chen – Dragon King Stanzas

Dragon King Sutra Stanzas

Yogi Chen – Mistakes in Meditation

Mistakes in Meditation


Teachings on the Shobogenzo


History of Japanese Buddhism

Teachings on the Shobogenzo

Zen – Doing Things in Chan (Zen) Mind

Doing Things in Chan Mind

Zen Art Sumie Painting

Andre Sollier Sumie Painting Workshop

Zen Buddhism

History of Japanese Buddhism

Zen Painting

Laughter of the Brush

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