Buddhist Education Centre
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasa
Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts
Published by
Buddhist Education Centre
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Associated Institution of the World Buddhist University
World Fellowship of Buddhists Regional Centre

Copyright – Buddhist Education Centre

May You Be Well And Happy

Ledi Sayādaw was a highly respected and developed monk in Burma (Myanmar), both in pariyatti (intellectual / scriptural knowledge) and in patipatti (practice / meditation).
The Venerable Ledi Sayādaw lived from 1846 to 1923 and was perhaps the most outstanding Buddhist figure of his age. All who have come in contact with the path of Dhamma in recent years owe a great debt of gratitude to him, as he was instrumental in reviving the traditional practice of Vipassana. Ledi Sayādaw was the first monk in Burma to teach Vipassana meditation to lay persons. One of his leading students was a lay farmer Saya Thetgyi, who he instructed to also teach others. One of Saya Thetgyi’s students was Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the teacher of our late teacher S.N. Goenka.
In addition to teaching the practice of Vipassana, Ledi Sayādaw produced scholarly work that was concise, clear and extensive. His writings serve to clarify the experiential aspect of Dhamma. (See: pariyatti.org )

Ledi Sayadaw’s Gifts
To escape from trouble and danger
This article was prepared and translated by Ven. Sayadaw U Pannathami Thera, (Burma).
(1) | Buddhoso mangalo loko Sambuddhosapi lokaggo Buddhan Saranan magamma Sabba Dukkha Pamunchare |
(2) | Dhammoso mangalo loko Gambhiro hoti duddaso Dhamman Saranam magamma Sabba dukkha pamunchare |
(3) | Sanghoso mangalo loko Dakkhenayyo sada hoti Sanghan saranam magamma Sabba dukkha pamunchare |
In case of great dangers, it is necessary to chant to escape from them.
Om attana maytam Bhikkhave anava karaso. Yau parupakkamayena tathagatan jivetar voropaya.
For good deeds, it is necessary to chant sweetly.
To escape from all troubles and dangers, it is necessary to chant strongly (in sounds).
(1) | Buddhova mangalo loko Devenda Brahmaidsaran Buddham saranan magamma Sabba Dukkha pamunchare |
(2) | Dhammova mangalo loko Sabba papa vinasakau Dhamman saranan magamma Sabba Dukkha pamunchare |
(3) | Sanghova mangalo loko Bhayavera vinaudanau Sanghan saranan magamma Sabba Dukkha pamunchare |
(4) | Etambhau mangalan kheman Etam mangala mottamam Etam mangala magamma Sabba papa pamunchare |
(5) | Etambhau saranan khemam Etam sarana mottamam Etam sarana magamma Sabba papa pamunchare |
(6) | Etambhau ratanam khemam Etam ratana mottamam Etam ratana magamma Sabba dosa pamunchare |
Eighteen Glories of Lord Buddha
Buddhanam jivitatha nasakkar kenasi antara yau karatome.
Buddhanam sabbanyuta nanasa nasakkar kenasi antayo yau karatome,
(1) Atitamse Buddhasa Bhagavato aparihata nanam.
(2) Anagatamse Buddhasa Bhagavato aparihata nanam.
(3) Paccuppanne Buddhasa Bhagavato aparihata nanam.
(4) Sabba kaya kamme nana pubbamgamam nananuparivattam,
(5) Sabbam vai kammam nana pubbam gamam nananuparivattam,
(6) Sabbam mano kammam nana pubbam gamam nananuparivattam,
(These six Dhammas are correctly spoken by the Lord Buddha)
(7) Natthi Sandassa harane
(Lord Buddha) Desire is not uncontrolled.
(8) Natthi Dhamma desanaya harane
(Lord Buddha) Dhamma preaching is not uncontrolled.
(9) Natthi Viriyassa harane
(Lord Buddha) Perseverance is not uncontrolled.
(10) Nathi Samadhissa harane
(Lord Buddha) Concentration is not uncontrolled
(11) Natthi Pannaya harane
(Lord Buddha) Wisdom is not uncontrolled.
(12) Natthi vimuttiya harane
(Lord Buddha) Liberation is not uncontrolled.
(These twelve Dhammas are correctly spoken by the Lord Buddha)
(13) Natthi dava
(Lord Buddha) does not make any frivolous talk.
(14) Natthi rava
(Lord Buddha) does not make any mistakes.
(15) Natthi apphuttham
(Lord Buddha) does not make any action without knowledge.
(16) Natthi vegaritatthan
(Lord Buddha.) does not make any action without consideration.
(17) Natthi abhyavattamano
(Lord Buddha) does not make any action without compassion.
(18) Natthi aparisankhanupekkha
(Lord Buddha) does not make any action without equanimity.
(These eighteen Dhammas are correctly spoken by the Lord Buddha. Because of these Dhammas, nobody can make harm to the Lord Buddha.)
Special note:
Mangalo (Blessing), Loko (this world)
In this world
(1) Buddha is the incomparable Noble Blessed One who possesses the omniscience nana (Sambuddho). He is the chief in this world. Homage to him makes all beings free from all kinds of troubles and dangers.
(2) Dhamma is the incomparable Noble Blessed One (Enlightened One) which is very deep and wide; not easy to understand. Homage to the Dhamma makes all beings free from all kinds of troubles and dangers.
(3) Sangha (Holy One, Arahant) is an incomparable Noble Blessed One, who is ever worthy of all kinds of Dana (Offerings). Homage to the Sangha makes all beings free from all kinds of troubles and dangers.
Monks, if someone tries to kill the Lord Buddha, they will not succeed to kill the Lord Buddha, and never succeed in this attempt.
(1) Buddha is the incomparable Noble Blessed One, who is the Chief over Kings of human beings, as well as kings of the gods (Deva), together with the king of higher gods (Brahma). Homage to the Lord Buddha makes all beings free from trouble, danger and miseries.
(2) Dhamma is incomparable Noble Blessed One. Homage to the Dhamma makes all beings free from all kinds of evils.
(3) Sangha is incomparable Noble Blessed One. Homage to the Sangha makes all beings free from all kinds of troubles, dangers and enemies.
(4) Thus the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) is called the Noble Blessing. They are also top, highest Blessings. Homage to the Triple Gem makes all beings free from all kinds of evil together with wrong understanding (view).
(5) Thus these Three Refuges (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) are called Noble Blessings. They are also top, highest Blessings. Homage to the Three Refuges makes all beings free from all kinds of sufferings.
(6) Thus these Three Jewels (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha) are called Noble Blessings. They are also top, highest Blessings. Homage to the Three Jewels makes all beings free from all kinds of hatred and anger (dosa).
Invitation to Deities:
Sammanta sakkavalesu Atarage
Samtudevata satthamman muni rajasa
Sunantu sakgamotgalan
“Dhamma savana kala yanpadanta” (3 times)
(Good friends, now is the time for listening to the Dhamma)
May devas (deities) of all world systems assemble here, and listen to that sublime Dhamma of the Great Sage (Buddha) which confers the bliss of heaven and deliverance (Nibbana).