To donate to our centre or one of our projects please make an online Paypal donation using the donate button below, or send your cheque to the Buddhist Education Centre, 33 Brooking Street, Upwey, 3158, Victoria, Australia.
Thank you very much.
Dharmarajika Children’s Orphanage – Bangladesh
The Buddhist Education Centre has raised money to support the Dharmarajika Orphanage in Dhaka, Bangladesh for nearly 30 years and we are well on the way to contributing AUD$7,000 per annum to help care for and educate approximately 500 children who reside there.

We accept donations on behalf of the orphanage which are banked into a dedicated account for transfer to Bangladesh. The Buddhist Education Centre does not deduct any administration charges so the orphanage will receive the full amount of your gift.
To make a donation please send your cheque to the Buddhist Education Centre, 33 Brooking Street, Upwey, Victoria, 3158 Australia or online by making a PayPal donation (see below).
We wish to acknowledge with gratitude Ishka handcrafts for their generous support of this project.
Thank you
Thank you for your kind help and support which we greatly appreciate!
Make a Donation
Our centre provides all services, Dhamma courses and teachings at no charge. Our activities are funded by our Members’ and friends’ generosity as well as numerous fundraising activities conducted each year by our Members.
To make a PayPal payment please use the “Donate” button below. After you have logged in to PayPal, please use the “ add special instructions to the seller” input field to indicate which project you are contributing to by using one of the following words:
“Donation” … to contribute general funds towards running our temple.
“Sponsorship” … of the 1000 Buddha Images Temple Offering for construction of our new Buddha Pavilion Temple Room.
“Orphanage” … to contribute to Dharmarajika children’s orphanage in Bangladesh.
The Buddhist Education Centre is a registered charity and donations made using PayPal have a reduced fee applied to the transaction.
Thank you very much.