Buddhist Education Centre
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasa
The Beneficial Results of Keeping Five Precepts
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World Fellowship of Buddhists Regional Centre

Copyright – Buddhist Education Centre

May You Be Well And Happy

The following is taken from the article “The Five Precepts – Panca Sila” by Maha Upasaka U Nu, published in “The Young Buddhist 1982”, the journal of the Singapore Buddha-Yana Organisation (SBYO).

Surameraya Majjapamadatthana Veramani
The beneficial results of refraining from taking intoxicants
The person who vigilantly and steadfastly observes this Surameraya Precept reaches the World of Devas on his death. When he expires in the world of Devas, and is reborn in the world of human beings, he is endowed with the following qualities:
- being mindful of anything that is to be done at a given time;
- being endowed with intelligence and intellectual powers;
- being always alert at all times;
- having initiative and enterprise to meet all coming events;
- being industrious;
- being free from deafness and dumbness
- being free from madness;
- being free from shocks and alarms;
- being free from oppression or restriction;
- being free from a hateful attitude towards others;
- being free from grudge and envy;
- having always truthful speech;
- being free from rough and futile speech and from back-biting;
- being aware of the gratitude owed to others;
- being able to make return for the favours of others;
- being generous and charitable;
- having Moral Practice;
- being fair and just;
- not being given to anger;
- having a sense of decency and a dread of evil;
- having true belief;
- being in a noble or worthy state of life;
- being wise;
- having discretion and judgement as to advantages and disadvantages of any situation or question.
The bad results of taking intoxicants
The person who takes intoxicants is extremely likely, on his death, to reach one of four lower planes of existence, and after that, if he should be reborn in the human world, he is liable to suffer from madness, or psychopathic complaints; or he may a deaf and dumb person.
Kamesu Micchacara Veramani
The beneficial results of refraining from committing adultery, or from carnally knowing maidens still under guardianship
The person who vigilantly and steadfastly observes this Kamesu Micchacara Precept reaches the world of Devas on his death.
When he expires in the world of Devas, and is reborn in the world of human beings, he is endowed with the following qualities:
- having no enemies;
- being the object of affection and regard by all others;
- being able to obtain food, beverages, clothes and ornaments readily;
- being able to sleep well and peacefully;
- being able to wake up in peace and comfort;
- being free from falling into the four lower planes;
- being free from the state of a eunuch;
- being free from gusts of hot anger;
- being given to just and fair actions;
- having a fresh and happy face;
- being able to enjoy comfort and well-being;
- being free from physical defects and deformities;
- having a sound and healthy appearance;
- not being assailed by doubts and suspicions;
- having no anxiety or worry;
- being able to live in calm happiness;
- having no dangers, or threats, or harm;
- being able to associate with loved ones.
Kamesu Micchacara
The bad results of committing adultery or carnally knowing maidens still under guardianship
The person who breaks this precept of Kamesu Micchacara may, on his death, reach one of the four lower planes of existence, and after that, if he should be reborn in the human world, he is liable to have many enemies, so that all meet him regard him with hostility.
Musavada Veramani
The beneficial results of refraining from speaking falsehood
The person who vigilantly and steadfastly observes this Musavada Precept reaches the World of Devas on his death. When he expires in the world of Devas, and is reborn in the world of human beings, he is endorsed with the following qualities:
- having an open-hearted and radiant appearance;
- being sweet and faultless;
- having even and white teeth;
- being not too fat;
- being not too thin;
- being not too short;
- being not too tall;
- having a body that is pleasant to touch;
- having a fragrant mouth like the sweet smell of a lotus;
- being listened to with regard and esteem by others;
- having a significant and impressive way of expression;
- having a soft, thin, red tongue like a lotus petal;
- being free from disappointment of failure;
- being free from shocks and alarms.
The bad result of speaking falsehood
The person who utters falsehood is extremely likely, on his death, to reach the four lower planes of existence, and after that, if he should be reborn in the human world, he will be subjected to unjust allegations and may be held responsible for others misdeeds.
Adinnadana Veramani
The beneficial results of refraining from taking another person’s property
The person who vigilantly and steadfastly observes the precept of refraining from taking another person’s property reaches the world of Devas on his death. When he expires in the world of Devas, and is reborn in the world of human beings, he is endowed with the following qualities:
- having great possessions;
- having untold wealth and riches;
- having wealth that does not deteriorate;
- being able to obtain quickly any possessions desired;
- having riches that cannot be taken away or destroyed by inimical elements;
- having noble wealth and position;
- being chief or leader everywhere;
- not experiencing any lack or unavailability of anything;
- having a peaceful, unperturbed life.
Panatipata Veramani
The beneficial results of refraining from taking another being’s life
The Person who vigilantly and steadfastly observes the precept of refraining from taking another being’s life reaches the world of Devas on his death. When he expires in the world of Devas, and is reborn in the world of human beings, he is endowed with the following qualities:
- having no physical defects or deformities;
- being proportionate in physical stature and form;
- being swift in movement;
- having well-proportioned feet;
- having a pleasant figure;
- gentleness;
- cleanliness;
- courage;
- strength;
- ability to speak well and smoothly;
- being the object of affection and regard by others;
- having a united following;
- not having a rough brutal body;
- being free from harm at the hands of others;
- not being subject to death by others’ weapons;
- having a large retinue;
- having a beautiful golden complexion;
- having a handsome appearance;
- being free from disease and illness;
- being free from anxiety and grief;
- being able to associate with loved ones always; and
- being long-lived.
The bad results of taking another being’s life
The person who takes another being’s life will be reborn in one of the four lower planes of existence on his death. If he should later be reborn in the human world, after suffering in those lower planes, he will have a short life, and may even die soon after birth.