Buddhist Education Centre
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammasambuddhasa
Six Planes of Existence
Published by
Buddhist Education Centre
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- 33 Brooking Street, Upwey, Victoria 3158, Australia
- Email: info@buddhisteducationcentre.org.au
- Website: buddhisteducationcentre.org.au
Associated Institution of the World Buddhist University
World Fellowship of Buddhists Regional Centre

Copyright – Buddhist Education Centre

May You Be Well And Happy

Buddhism teaches that there are many planes or frequencies of consciousness where beings can take birth, in accordance with what the Buddha and many other awakened ones perceive directly.
These planes of existence include some births, such as human and animal, where the beings have a course material body. In some other planes, such as deva (heaven) worlds, beings have a fine material body which usually cannot be perceived by the human physical eye, and finally, above the deva heavens beings can be born as mind only, not having any body or form whatever.
These planes of existence are listed below although some of the subdivisions of some of the lower realms are not elaborated.
This article can be viewed in conjunction with another article which can be found on the Dhammastream website called:
The Three Worlds

Six Planes of Existence
*O is Opapayika, i.e. Instantaneous Rebirth
Four formless attainments | *O | The Base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception (the Summit of Existence) |
O | The Base consisting of nothingness | |
O | The Base consisting of infinity of consciousness | |
O | The Base consisting of infinity of space | |
Pure abodes of non-returners | O | Akanittha (junior to none) |
O | Sudassi (fair-seeing) | |
O | Sudassa (fair-to-see) | |
O | Atappa (untormenting) | |
O | Aviha (bathed in their own prosperity) | |
4th Jhana | O | Asannasatta (non-percipient beings) |
O | Vehapphala (very fruitful) | |
3rd Jhana | O | Subhakinna (refulgent glory) |
O | Appamanasubha (measureless glory) | |
O | Parittasubha (limited glory) | |
2nd Jhana | O | Abhassara (streaming radiance) |
O | Appamanabha (measureless radiance) | |
O | Parittabha (limited radiance) | |
1st Jhana | O | Mahabrama (Great Brahma) |
O | Brahmapurohita (Brahma’s Ministers) | |
O | Brahmaparisajja (Brahma’s Retinue) | |
Faith Generosity & eight precepts | O | Paranimmitavasavatti (wielding power over other’s creations) |
O | Nimmanarati (delight in creating) | |
O | Tusita (contented) | |
O | Yama (gone to bliss) | |
O | Tavatimsa (thirty-three) | |
O | Catumaharajika (four great kings) | |
Five precepts | Womb born | Human beings (manussa) |
Desire for power | O | Demons (asura) |
Meaness, attachment | O | Ghosts (peta) |
Stupidity, animal desires | Womb born – egg born | Animals (tiracchana) |
Cruelty, torture, killing | O | Beings in Hell – The World of Yama, or Niraya |